DIN 6063-1 Threads, mainly for plastic containers - Part 1: Buttress threads, dimensions
DIN 6063-1 Scope
This standard specifies dimensions and designation for buttress threads used mainly for bottles and cans
made of plastics.
DIN 6063-1 Does Not Define Gages
DIN 6063-1 Defines a 10°-40° and 10°/30° Buttress Product Screw Thread, but does not define the gages to measure this screw thread. Because the plastic screw thread does not have a 0° Flank Angle it can be tested with standard screw thread gages made to test DIN 6063-1 screw threaded part parameters. The DIN 6063-1 specification defines the major and minor diameters with tolerances along with a reference profile width at crest. A clearly defined pitch diameter with tolerances is preferred; however, this is enough information to do some basic calculation to achieve basic MIN and MAX Pitch Diameters. These DIN 6063-1 plastic screw threads are designed to have large clearance between the mating parts because they are intended to be manufactured by injection molding. Because of that, the basic calculations should be sufficient to set manufacturing limits and make gages for in-process testing.
Parts of DIN 6063
DIN 6063-1 Threads, mainly for plastic containers - Part 1: Buttress threads, dimensions
DIN 6063-2 Threads, mainly for plastic containers - Part 2: Trapezoidal screw threads, dimensions
This data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information; regardless; errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root document: DIN 6063-1; which is a copyrighted document. To purchase copies visit an Authorized Reseller.
Original Posting: 1/12/2016
Last Revision:
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