Definitions, and Letter Symbols for Screw Threads ANSI/ASME B1.7M
Nomenclature, Definitions, and Letter Symbols for Screw Threads
The purpose of ANSI/ASME B1.7 is to establish a uniform practice for
standard screw threads with regard to the following: (a) Screw thread
nomenclature; (b) Letter symbols for the designating features of
a screw thread for use on drawings, in tables that set forth dimensional
standards, in other records, and for expressing mathematical relationships.
ANSI/ASME B1.7 is a glossary of terms, illustrations, and illustrated
table showing the application of symbols, and a table of thread
series designation. Many of the terms and symbols specified in ANSI/ASME
B1.7:2006 vary considerably from those previously specified in ANSI/ASME
B1.7:1984 because ISO terms and symbols have been adopted where
the intended definition is the same.
Related Specification: ISO 5408; Screw threads -- Vocabulary, is the ISO specification which has the same function as B1.7M.
Original Posting: 10/21/2009
Last Revision: 10/17/2017
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