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ASTM F 1054 Anaesthetic and Respiratory Conical Connector Gages


ASTM F1054-01: Standard Specification for Conical Fittings has been withdrawn by the ASTM as of May 2005. The specification was fully replaced by ISO5356-1. All of the gages are identical between the two standards except the 30mm plug and ring test gages for conical connectors made of materials other than metal.  To assure product interconnectivity you should only purchase ISO5356-1 gages.


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ASTM F 1054 Fig A1.1
15mm Plug Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig A.1


ASTM F 1054

Plug test gauges for conical connectors made of materials other than metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A1.1
15mm Ring Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig A.1


ASTM F 1054

Ring test gauges for conical connectors made of materials other than metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A1.1
22mm Plug Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig A.1


ASTM F 1054

Plug test gauges for conical connectors made of materials other than metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A1.1
22mm Ring Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig A.1


ASTM F 1054

Ring test gauges for conical connectors made of materials other than metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A1.1
30mm Plug Gage US$4,000.00

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig A.1


ASTM F 1054

Plug test gauges for conical connectors made of materials other than metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A1.1
30mm Ring Gage US$4,000.00

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig A.1


ASTM F 1054

Ring test gauges for conical connectors made of materials other than metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A5.1
15mm Plug Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig E.1


ASTM F 1054

Plug test gauges for conical connectors made of metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A5.1
15mm Ring Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig E.1


ASTM F 1054

Ring test gauges for conical connectors made metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A5.1
22mm Plug Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig E.1


ASTM F 1054

Plug test gauges for conical connectors made of metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A5.1
22mm Ring Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig E.1


ASTM F 1054

Ring test gauges for conical connectors made metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A5.1
30mm Plug Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig E.1


ASTM F 1054

Plug test gauges for conical connectors made of metal.


ASTM F 1054 Fig A5.1
30mm Ring Gage

replace with ISO5356-1 Fig E.1


ASTM F 1054

Ring test gauges for conical connectors made metal.

This data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information; regardless; errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root document: ISO-5356-1 which is a copyrighted document. To purchase copies visit an Authorized Reseller.

Original Posting: 8/29/2004
Last Revision: 7/21/2017
Error corrections in, or comments about, the above data can be sent to: office@gagecrib.com


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